Your Path to Mastery

Advanced Learning Strategies

Elevate Your Cognitive Horizons: A Learning Revolution Awaits!

Peter Riddle’s Message:

Greetings, I’m Peter Riddle, and I’m excited to introduce you to a journey of cognitive transformation. Step aboard the Brain Train Express – our exclusive Advanced Memory and Learning Strategies Program.

Allow me to unveil our proprietary brain training program that goes beyond the ordinary. This is where the magic happens – a program designed to enhance both short and long-term memory, memory recall, and your capacity to learn and retain vast amounts of information in record time.

But hold on, we’re not just here to teach you learning strategies and memory techniques. We’re about to revolutionize your learning journey with a concept that takes it to the next level.

Meet Brain Aerobics – a transformational approach that reshapes the way you think and process memories. These aren’t just exercises; they are the keys to hardwiring cognitive transformations.

Think of Brain Training Aerobics as a rigorous workout for your brain. This is where the true potential of your memory and cognitive faculties comes alive.

All Ages

Our program transcends age boundaries. Whether you’re a student, adult, or child, the Empowered Learning Program equips you with tools to master an incredible amount of content. Through these innovative approaches, our students achieve feats that might seem unbelievable. We use information consisting of what I call “like information” knowledge everyone should know for life.

Unlocking Knowledge:

They learn how to apply 15 different discipline that allows them to swiftly learn:

  • All the states and capitals
  • All the presidents of the United States
  • All the countries of the world and their populations
  • Intricacies of the human brain’s components
  • The bones of the body
  • The first fifty elements of the periodic table
  • The preamble to the constitution
  • Even memorizing 13+ unrelated items
  • The distances of all planets from the sun and the moons each planet possesses
  • The art of mind mapping
  • Mental math
  • Brain Aerobics

Remarkably, most students can recite the presidents in less than 20 seconds or the states in under 20 seconds. Some can even rattle off the first 50 elements of the periodic table in less than 57 seconds.

But it’s essential to understand that we’re not just teaching content. We’re equipping you with transformative techniques. Our focus is on providing you tools to grasp and apply knowledge across diverse content throughout your life.

The 15

These 15 disciplines within the Empowered Learning Transformational Centers’ Advanced Learning Strategies program empower students with a diverse set of cognitive, personal, and academic skills. By mastering these disciplines, students are better equipped to excel in their studies and navigate the challenges of the learning process.

Unveiling a Systematic Approach

Our techniques transcend the realm of rote memorization. Instead, we cultivate a systematic process that empowers you to:  visualize, memorize, how to read to meaning, study for a test, had to take a test without stress.

  • Swiftly learn poems
  • Deliver speeches with precision
  • Memorize intricate sequences like formulas for physics or mathematics
  • Be able to right essays and reports easily

Accelerate Your Learning:

This tool significantly shortens the time needed to memorize content compared to conventional methods.

Revolutionizing Learning:

In essence, we’re reshaping your perception of memory and learning. Through Brain Aerobics and innovative techniques, we harness memory as a dynamic tool that shapes your learning journey.

Embark on Your Journey:

I invite you to embark on this transformative journey. Empowered Learning’s Advanced Learning Strategies Program isn’t just about learning; it’s about mastering the art of learning.

Revolutionize Your Learning:

Together, we’re redefining how you learn and unlocking your true potential through the power of cognitive transformation.

1. Visualization:

Visualization is the practice of creating mental images to aid understanding and memory. It allows students to form vivid mental representations of information, making it easier to grasp and remember complex concepts.

2. Intuitive Memorization Techniques:

This discipline equips students with various non-linear memory-enhancing strategies. They learn mnemonic devices, rhymes, and memory palace techniques. As part of brain aerobics, they visualize information both forwards and backward, empowering them to remember facts, dates, and information more effectively, especially during exams, but more importantly, retaining most of the information permanently.

3. Test Preparation and Study Skills:

Students are guided in developing effective study routines and test preparation strategies. They create study schedules, employ active recall techniques, and break down study material to optimize their retention and comprehension of subjects.

4. Reading For Meaning

is vital in academia. Students refine their reading skills, actively engaging with texts to understand main ideas, identify key details, and draw inferences With the use of advanced visualization and guided imagery techniques. This skill enhances their ability to absorb and interpret written and understand meaning in context. Whether it’s a book of fiction or science, the content is meaningless, the method of processing any information as part of learning strategies training.

5. Linking Information

In this discipline, students learn to connect related ideas and concepts mentally. By forging meaningful links between concepts, they improve their ability to recall information and gain a deeper understanding of intricate topics.

6. Sequencing:

Sequencing skills are essential for subjects involving step-by-step processes, such as mathematics and science. Students develop the ability to arrange information logically, enabling them to comprehend and solve problems more effectively.

7. Patterning of Speech

Effective communication is pivotal in academic and personal contexts. Students refine their verbal communication skills, including articulation, pronunciation, and tone. They become adept at expressing themselves clearly and confidently As part of their brain aerobics training.

8. Chunking:

Chunking entails breaking down complex information into smaller, manageable portions. The conscious mind can only process two to seven chunks of information and any given moment. Through our training Students are able to pattern and group related information, streamlining the processing and retention of extensive data, like new vocabulary or mathematical formulas.

9. Association and Mnemonics:

This discipline fosters memory retention through associations and memory aids. Students harness techniques like acronyms and visual imagery to remember complex information, enhancing their recall of facts and concepts.

10. Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking skills are honed to evaluate information, consider multiple perspectives, and think logically. This skill empowers students to analyze data, make informed decisions, and solve problems effectively.

11. Creative Thinking:

Creative thinking encourages innovative problem-solving and imaginative approaches to challenges. It nurtures originality and the ability to generate unconventional ideas, promoting creativity and innovation.

12. Time Management:

Effective time management is paramount for productivity. Students master techniques for prioritizing tasks, managing deadlines, and maximizing efficiency, ensuring they make the most of their available time.

13. Communication Skills:

This discipline encompasses both verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, and expressive abilities. Students become adept at conveying information effectively, whether in writing or speech.

14. Mindfulness and Stress Management:

Students learn techniques to manage stress and enhance focus through mindfulness practices. This skill promotes mental well-being, emotional regulation, and resilience.

15. Mind Mapping:

Mind mapping is a visual tool that enables students to organize and connect ideas in a Nonlinear structured way. It enhances creativity, note-taking, and problem-solving by providing a visual representation of relationships between concepts. This technique turns passive learning into Active Learning and reduces the time needed to learn and review information.

Unveiling a Systematic Approach

Our techniques transcend the realm of rote memorization. Instead, we cultivate a systematic process that empowers you to:  visualize, memorize, how to read to meaning, study for a test, had to take a test without stress.

  • Swiftly learn poems
  • Deliver speeches with precision
  • Memorize intricate sequences like formulas for physics or mathematics
  • Be able to right essays and reports easily

Accelerate Your Learning:

This tool significantly shortens the time needed to memorize content compared to conventional methods.

Revolutionizing Learning:

In essence, we’re reshaping your perception of memory and learning. Through Brain Aerobics and innovative techniques, we harness memory as a dynamic tool that shapes your learning journey.

Embark on Your Journey:

I invite you to embark on this transformative journey. Empowered Learning’s Advanced Learning Strategies Program isn’t just about learning; it’s about mastering the art of learning.

Revolutionize Your Learning:

Together, we’re redefining how you learn and unlocking your true potential through the power of cognitive transformation.