
Some Kind Words from
Parents and Students.

Meet Nicholas

“I cannot thank all of you enough for all you’ve done to help my son, Nicholas. I consider this program to be ‘my miracle.’ I have seen such a difference in Nicholas’ schoolwork, self–esteem and physical abilities. Nicholas’ ITBS scores were 78th percentile last year and this year are at the 89th percentile… It takes him less time to study for his tests and he is able to sit and do his homework each day without me constantly trying to get him to re-focus. Nicholas’ teacher has seen

Improvement in his attention span. I have also noticed that Nicholas has gotten better in sports. He is more focused and can ride a bike! He was having so much trouble last year because he couldn’t balance himself, but now he can!

I recommend this program to everyone I know who has attention problems. As a teacher, I have recommended this program to present and past students. It is a truly amazing program!”

Laura R.

Parent and Teacher

Meet Izak

“Peter, as I was taking the train back from midtown NYC this past Thursday, I came across your interview with John Gambling and I thought of writing you. Thank God my life has changed for the better after my time at the Center. I can read, study and have better processing and motor skills than I could imagine. I graduated from Baruch College of the City University of New York and am already in n MBA program. I have started a job as a financial auditor at a top 6 accounting firm. Life, thankfully, is great.”

Izak H.

Former student and current professional

Meet Lee

“I’m in my second year of law school and have finally stopped struggling thanks to the Empowered Learning team. I’ve always been an A student in spite of working much harder than my siblings and peers. My trouble spots were focus, organization and time management. Words seemed to literally jump around the page making reading and comprehension impossible. I’d get distracted and lose track of time, leaving me scrambling to complete assignments and completely stressed. After a year in the Empowered Learning program, I relearned the basics of learning and was given tools and techniques to focus and organize myself better. I’m still an A student, but now I have a lot less stress and lots more time. I wish I knew about Empowered Learning when I was in elementary school because it would have made my life so much easier. Thanks especially to Peter and Dr. Bilick.”

Lee F.

Professional and former student

Meet Mary

“All three of my homeschooled children have gone through the Empowered Learning program, starting at ages 7, 9 and 12 years of age. Two of my children had developmental delays that Peter Riddle quickly identified (with more clarity than our pediatrician) and those issues were affecting reading and comprehension. With Peter and his team’s help, we were soon on our way to unlocking the puzzle that made learning such a challenge. Lo and behold, the customized program also strengthened both of my children’s athletic coordination and balance – a bonus after just four months in the program. My kids have greater confidence, focus and are learning new concepts with more ease. That makes my job easier and more effective.”

Mary S.

Parent and homeschool teacher

Meet Lisa

“This is a wonderful program! We have twins and my son had some developmental delays. His attention, focus and self-esteem increased as we progressed through the classes. Best of all, he didn’t even feel like it was going to ‘school’. Jeff Mastroly is an amazing and patient teacher, and his program really helped my son tremendously. We even had his sister join in the sessions as well. Now, several yrs later, the twins are on the Honor roll.”



Mike’s Story

“I was diagnosed with ADHD in my teens and began taking Ritalin at 15. I felt stigmatized by the label and hated the nausea and nervousness from the medication. That anxiety led my then­ pediatrician to prescribe anxiety and depression medications, which really sidetracked my ability to maintain my team sports and grades. Thanks to Peter Riddle and the Stamford, CT team, I am off medication for the first time in 17 years. Peter’s initial assessment showed underdeveloped sensory-visual issues, which is present in kids with restlessness. I have felt robbed of my teens by a label slapped on me by my teachers and pediatrician and am grateful to Peter for getting me off medication and on track. My company paid for the treatment as part of a productivity enhancement initiative. It was an investment that has helped so many people in so many ways.” – Mike R., former student.

Brittany’s Story

“I want to express my gratitude to the staff for a job well done. Thanks to their efforts, Brittany has finally turned the corner in so many ways. Her teachers and I have seen reading, writing, and social skills improve. I now see higher state test scores and real improvement in grades. But the most impressive change by far is the confidence she has acquired. Her focus has shifted from perceived failures into conversations about positive goals and dreams for her future.

For Brittanty, the program took longer than the original estimate, but the results exceeded my expectations. I also experienced a transformation since my initial visit when the plan was to resume the AHAD drug therapy. This approach seemed more a ‘Band-Aid’ than a solution but was the only one offered at that time. For me, this program was a last-ditch effort to avoid the drugs rather than a true belief it would work. But that has all changed and now I would recommend ELTC to any parent in this same situation.” – Maryanne D., parent

Meet Jeff

Please listen to what Jeff Hamill says about his experience 26 years ago with Empowered Learning, getting him into the University of Maryland and onto a path of success.

Meet Collin

“Having a child who struggles in school is a huge concern. While our son was intellectually capable of participating in school, he did not fully fit in. Teachers described him as inattentive, disorganized, and said he lacked pride in his work. The school advised us to seek a pediatrician and the pediatrician suggested some medications we could try. Our position was to seek the cause for his behavior. We felt if we could get to the root of the issues then we stood a chance to permanently alter them, or at least, give our son the tools to be self-sufficient later in life.

After speaking with teachers and parents, we soon learned about Empowered Learning. Their neurological testing was affordable and they conducted some testing during the first consultation. We learned that the causes of cognitive and attention deficits could be altered through engaging physical and mental exercises. Peter Riddle not only explained our son’s social and physical struggles at school, but also elaborated how his learning program would work to correct these issues. We felt it was the right thing to do to allow Empowered Learning to help him strengthen himself.

Since joining The Empowered Learning Centers, he improved his grades and received positive feedback from all seven of his teachers. He has enjoyed seeing and feeling the changes within himself. The program truly worked in altering his ability to focus and gave him the confidence to help himself. We believe the Empowered Learning Transformation Center brought about these changes. We feel good about giving our son the gift of empowerment, self-sufficiency and confidence. We are extremely grateful to Peter Riddle, Dr. Reutter, their wonderful staff of instructors and clinicians. Thank you for making a lasting difference in our son’s life!”

Susan and Chris M.



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