If you haven't seen this video, this is a must see for all parents. Based on the results of our current education system, we are in desperate need of change and our approach of dealing with our failing approaches. Sir...
Peter Riddle

Misdiagnosis of ADHD and Behavioral Problems Just As Bad As Not Diagnosing Them
Misdiagnoses can keep a child from succeeding. A proper assessment can uncover what is holding a child back and provide the course of treatment to correct problems. Like hundreds of thousands of U.S. kids, Greenwich 7th grader “John” had an elementary school teacher...

Improve Brain / Prevent Dementia Programs
Memory: Improve Brain / Prevent Dementia Programs Empowered Learning Transformation Centers – Memory and Alzheimer's Center is a collaborative partnership between the fields of neurology, psychiatry and geriatric medicine offering comprehensive evaluation and...

L-theanine: Tea’s Amino Acid for Overall Wellness
Tea: coffee’s coy competitor in the cutthroat—yet throat-soothing—world of hot beverages. Both provide daily stimulant boosts, both are great to share with a loved one, and both are steeped in rich and complex histories. But popular teas (like green tea, black tea,...

Summer Learning Boot Camp
Let Empowered Learning Transformation Centers transform your child this summer by giving them a solid learning foundation and preventing summer brain drain. Keep your child’s brain sharp with our summer boot camp, a 6-week intensive program designed to enhance...

How to Avoid Summer Brain Drain
Use It or Lose It: Tips To Keep Concepts Fresh and the Mind AlertBETHESDA, MD (July 13, 2015) In the midst of summer break, the last thing on students’ minds is continuing the learning process. While there’s non-academic learning and value derived through play, when...

Summer is the Ideal Time to Assess Weaknesses and Build Confidence for Students
Report cards can show symptoms and areas a child is struggling with, but does not indicate a child's full potential or what is holding them back. How can we make the most of our time during summer?Missing Link for Parents and Kids Is Proper Assessment; Year-End...